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Journal entry for Thursday, July 5, 2001

Today's summary: At least I got to see my friends.

Busy, busy day at work. Got home. Talked to my friend Matt, who's leaving for a vacation. By the time he gets back, I'll be at the beach, so... byebye Matt.

I went over to watch pro wrestling at my brother's place (woo!). It's always fun to hang out with him of course, and with my friends flyingcar and Josh.

Afterwards Josh and flyingcar and I walked a couple of laps around the neighborhood and just talked. I did a lot of ranting about being busy, about work, etc... Just... hey, they're good listeners at least.

I would say more but I'm just kinda Tired. Zzz. I wanna go to bed with my husband and be comfy and sleep.

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